I just wanted to say a very Happy Holidays to everyone along the journey on Land of Marvels with me! I hope everyone has a lovely holiday season and a wonderful new year ahead!

I just wanted to say a very Happy Holidays to everyone along the journey on Land of Marvels with me! I hope everyone has a lovely holiday season and a wonderful new year ahead!
2021 was the year that we all thought life would return to normal and while there are some moments in my mind from this year that feel almost normal, the truth is that we’re still very much in this pandemic. I think going forward, it’s not so much about returning to… Read more
2021 was a big year of transition for me and travel was definitely different than it has been in the past. While we got to travel more than we did in 2020 obviously, this past year changed a lot of our travel habits that I see continuing on into 2022…. Read more