It’s the end of the week and it’s been a while since I’ve posted on my childhood growing up as an expat kid in the Middle East and in the last few days, a few different things have come up that have made me look back at how I grew… Read more

It’s the end of the week and it’s been a while since I’ve posted on my childhood growing up as an expat kid in the Middle East and in the last few days, a few different things have come up that have made me look back at how I grew… Read more
I mentioned on my favorite moments post a few days ago that I grew up very Irish. Long story short, my maternal grandmother’s father was straight from Ireland and upon his deathbed, the family found out that he had in fact had another family back in Ireland that no one… Read more
If this title confuses you, just bear with me and I’ll provide a background on what I’m talking about. But to start, one of the things I hope to accomplish on this blog is to promote understanding & to negate ignorances. I think in order to do that, we need… Read more