While I spend the majority of time talking here on Land of Marvels about all the places we travel to, sometimes it’s worthwhile shining a light on my amazing home city of Portland, Oregon. I might be bias, but I’ve got to say, my home city is pretty incredible for lots of different reasons and I would recommend visiting it year round.
However, this year we’ve had quite the Winter here recently including many snow storms (which are usually quite rare) and a lot less rain than normal. So a couple weeks ago when we got hit with a huge blizzard and racked up a foot of snow in downtown Portland, Nick and I took full advantage of the crazy Winter weather and went out to explore like tourists in our own hometown! We also got to play with our new drone a bit (which I can’t wait to start sharing more in video format with!) and take in the snowy city in our hometown. So for your Winter Wonderland wishes… here is (a pretty snowy) Winter in Portland!
Headed to my home town of Portland?
Check out our Portland Travel Guide in the Land of Marvels Shop for only $5!