Happy 4th of July to all the Americans out there today!
I won’t lie, I’ve been pretty low on inspiration this year so far. And between work (which has been crazy) and life (which has been crazy) and responsibilities (that never seem to end), sometimes it’s difficult to actually take a moment to breath and find inspiration. In our world today, it feels as if everything is constantly moving at rapid pace, as if every email needs to be answered the second it comes in and work loads add up so quickly that you feel buried under never ending to do lists. Add that to health issues and family drama and all the things like still getting the laundry done and having dinner made and grocery shopping and picking up the dry cleaning and it can seem like we are living on a never ending hamster wheel. And honestly this year, I’ve let myself fall prey to all of that.
Due to many different things that have happened this year so far, I haven’t had the opportunity to let my travels really feed me that inspiration I so crave and need. With some exceptions, like Charleston, which left with me with so much inspiration, our other trips so far have brought with them their own issues and I haven’t come home with that bank of inspiration like I usually do and wow, am I missing it! And yet, as I’ve spent the last month or so figuring out how I can bring that back to my life, I’ve realized that it doesn’t have to be travel that does that. Travel is amazing for it, but when you can’t travel or you’re not getting out of travel what you hoped, inspiration can truly be found in the every day.
As I sit typing this, I’m watching the sun rise outside my window, the early dawn light slowly creeping over the world. This is inspiration, this is what we all need. Moments like this that feed us that almost spiritual sensation, that pull us out of the monotony of every day and give us something to make our souls sing. If I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that when my soul is craving something, I need to feed it. Especially working in creative fields, I truly need inspiration, I need moments that take my breath away, I need a spiritual moment to fee my inspiration. And sometimes, I can’t get that from travel or sometimes I don’t have a trip planned, that’s when we must all be able to find inspiration in the every day, in tiny moments that simply leave us breathless.
So the next time you’re feeling the need for inspiration and when the world feels too heavy, I hope you break away from it just for a bit and find yourself searching for inspiration in the beauty of every day things. Watch the sun rise and the dawn break, wander down a street you normally don’t go down, chat with a stranger about life, or simply just take in a view you love and breath it all in for just moment. Life can be tiring and challenging and relentless, but sometimes, a small moment can take you over and inspire you beyond belief.